Healthy Birth Healthy Earth: Welcome, join the inquiry!
Nine wonderful presentations that unfold what ‘Healthy Birth, Healthy Earth’ means and how awareness of birth can support our evolution, in co-creation with nature.
‘I have felt so moved, and so enriched by every session’ . A H – customer.
From the unique Findhorn Foundation and community, Scotland: these recorded presentations offer a window on this unique gathering. Our world leading speakers address some of the biggest questions of our era. Each presentation is usually preceded by music or poetry.

Enter any discount code you may have at the checkout stage. 11+Hrs of first class recordings. This is a streamed product, watchable online.
NB: Some slides may be omitted for copyright reasons and the content may be subject to change without notice.
The Presentations
Opening Plenary
Welcome: Conference Organisers: Rosie Faith, Elmer Postle, Graham Meltzer
1) Robbie Davis-Floyd: The Technocratic, Humanistic, and Holistic Paradigms of Birth and Health Care
Robbie Davis Floyd really ‘rocks’ this presentation. She describes clearly how there are three major global paradigms of birth and health care: the technocratic, humanistic, and holistic models of medicine. The profound differences in belief, practice, and worldview among practitioners of each of these three paradigms are explained, so that birth practitioners can understand the power of these paradigms to influence belief and practice and evaluate their own choices in terms of where they wish to stand on this spectrum. An excellent, accessible and enlightening first presentation.

Plenary 2
2) Robin Lim: Awakening Birth
Robin Lim opens her talk with an hilarious and heart rending enactment of delivery in the presence of midwives and Doulas. She presents with a fierce heart-felt passion how Awakening Birth is a commitment to honour, protect and serve, mothers, babies and families, globally. How we welcome the newest citizens of Earth, the newborn babies, defines us as humans. Are we kind? Are we gentle? Do the mothers and babies receive respectful care, regardless of their worldly ‘worth’? Wisdom in birth means we have the courage to ask these questions. Wonderful.

Plenary 3
3) Binnie A Dansby: Birth Ecology is Earth Ecology
Binnie A Dansby gives a stunning talk on how healing our own birth suffering can help us to heal and support each other and by extension the Earth. Referring to her work with the breath, she describes how the four words ‘Healthy Birth, Healthy Earth’ contain the six words ‘Heal Thy Birth, Heal Thy Earth’. She went on to offer insights into how our ideas of relationship come from the original intimacy in the womb and how that first relationship completed or did not. This impacts us as we move forward into relationship with our surroundings and other people, the environment. Healing is possible and relationship Is.

Plenary 4
4) Michel Odent: From the Neolithic Revolution to the Symbiotic Revolution
Michel Odent refers to how there are, presently, a number of conferences worldwide in different disciplines that are all about how humanity is ‘on a precipice’ in its relationship with the Earth. He gives a brilliant talk on how since Neolithic revolution and the advent of agriculture and animal husbandry as a species we have seen survival as being dependent on our domination of nature. In parallel with this has been our own socialization of childbirth: we have sought to control sexuality and the way women give birth in an effort to be safe. This has reached its apotheosis in the unprecedented medicalization of childbirth and what is a recent, dramatic departure from natural selection in the by passing of the human hormone system in childbirth. Now it is clear our survival depends not on domination of nature but in ‘symbiosis’, cooperation. It was remarkable to have this talk taking place at Findhorn, so long a centre for discovering co-creation with nature.
Plenary 5
5) Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova: Correlation between birth complications and traumatic experiences within family lineage
The impact that family history and woman’s own experiences prior to the due date have on her delivery. What can be done before birth, and, in the best case scenario, even before conceiving to neutralise negative imprinting and assure a deeply satisfying outcome? Elena speaks to the purpose of her work and its deepening clarity in healing negative imprinting for the benefit of the next generation. She demonstrates a ‘monkey face’ and ‘seaweed swaying’ experiential exercises.

Plenary 6
6) Angelina Martinez Miranda: Traditional Midwifery Through the Generations
A powerful and passionate midwife from Mexico, Angelina delivers a wonderful talk. Traditions have a crucial role in indigenous cultures. In this talk Angelina discusses how the traditional midwife plays an important role in the preservation of these traditions and will discuss the actions that traditional midwives have taken in our efforts against child birth becoming institutionalised. Traditional midwifery in Mexico is concerned with the alignment of body, mind and spirit for the benefit of the mother-to be, her family and her community through the use of simple, non-invasive practices such as the use of the rebozo and various ceremonies to honour the woman during pregnancy, birth and post-partum.

Plenary 7
7) Ray Castellino and Charisse Basquin: Preparing Families for Birth and Supporting Birth Resolution
Castellino works with Mary Jackson (who was unable to attend the conference) with families to prepare for birth as well as to heal trauma and resolve traumatic birth experiences. In this profound and unique work, children and babies resolve their birth stories through gesture and movement, allowing the family to deepen their connections in a new configuration. Ray, with Charisse’s support showed video recordings including work with babies born by caesarean as well as breech. They will share foundational therapeutic principles that create conditions which allow healing to take place. This was a wonderful presentation which illustrated how ‘two layers of support’ for the baby, the mother, the father, the midwife, the Doula are essential for optimum bonding. Charisse Basquin works in Scotland with healing early imprints from birth and bonding.
Plenary 8
8) Robin Grille: Neuro-social Evolution: How connectedness was lost and how to reclaim it for humanity’s future
In a barnstorming presentation Robin draws on neuropsychology, epigenetics, psycho-history and anthropology to illustrate how and why many of the world’s cultures lost, over centuries, the capacity for healthy connectedness in early life. Now that so much is known about the centrality of connected relationship for healthy human function, there is a social and global imperative to ease back towards a society of healthy connectedness. The implications are bigger than you think. And your job is more important than you realised. A very importantly affirming challenge to those who are holding Healing Birth in the same breath as Healing Earth.

Plenary 9
9) Romiro Romero – an indigenous male midwife’s view from Colombia.
Romiro Romero electrifies the audience with his sharing, music and insights from his life. He is in a family of midwives. His description of what its like to be a midwife, coming from his own personality and identity gave an amazing window into A) what it takes for an indigenous midwifery and birth care to really exist, and B) how male and female principles can truly support and work together.
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