Are you considering an online or hybrid conference? Come to Whole Being Films Production for help with hosting and production.

Whole Being Education talk series 1-4 available to watch here:

1) Pioneering Obstetrician Michel Odent discusses issues raised in his most recent book: Planet Ocean: Our Mysterious Connections to Water.
1 Hr Duration. Link to recording

2) Pediatrician Neonatologist Marilyn R. Sanders on the occasion of the launch of her book, ‘Polyvagal Theory and the Developing Child, Systems of Care for Strengthening Kids, Families and Communities’.
1hr 26 minutes. Link to recording:

3) Midwife and Pre and Perinatal Psychologist Dr Heather Clarke presents at the Whole Being Education conference 21′ on ‘The Impact of Transgenerational Trauma and Racism on Perinatal Health’
1hr 16 minutes. Link to recording:
4) Pioneering Obstetrician Michel Odent discusses the question of the Presence of Men at Birth with Director of Whole Being Education, Elmer Postle
Duration: 1hr 15 minutes, Link: